October 15, 2023
October 15, 2023
European 2022 Late Winter Forecast
As oil and natural gas prices hit record highs, Europeans are expecting to pay a premium just to stay warm through the remainder of this winter. Salient’s seasonal forecast engine is predicting a relatively mild next two months for most of Europe. We expect the average home to require 1-2.5 °C less daily heating this March. Figures 1 and 2 show our temperature anomaly forecasts for March and April.

In terms of heating degree days (HDD) in March, most of Europe sits in the range of 10-25 °C HDD per day (Figure 3). This is 1-2.5 °C less heating required than the climatological mean of the past 30 years, as spatially depicted in Figure 4.

Heating degree days in April are also expected to be less than climatology. Figure 5 shows the average HDD forecast, and Figure 6 shows the forecast’s anomaly from climatology.

October 15, 2023
October 15, 2023
European 2022 Late Winter Forecast
As oil and natural gas prices hit record highs, Europeans are expecting to pay a premium just to stay warm through the remainder of this winter. Salient’s seasonal forecast engine is predicting a relatively mild next two months for most of Europe. We expect the average home to require 1-2.5 °C less daily heating this March. Figures 1 and 2 show our temperature anomaly forecasts for March and April.

In terms of heating degree days (HDD) in March, most of Europe sits in the range of 10-25 °C HDD per day (Figure 3). This is 1-2.5 °C less heating required than the climatological mean of the past 30 years, as spatially depicted in Figure 4.

Heating degree days in April are also expected to be less than climatology. Figure 5 shows the average HDD forecast, and Figure 6 shows the forecast’s anomaly from climatology.

About Salient
Salient combines ocean and land-surface data with machine learning and climate expertise to deliver accurate and reliable subseasonal-to-seasonal weather forecasts and industry insights—two to 52 weeks in advance. Bringing together leading experts in physical oceanography, climatology and the global water cycle, machine learning, and AI, Salient helps enterprise clients improve resiliency, increase preparedness, and make better decisions in the face of a rapidly changing climate. Learn more at www.salientpredictions.com and follow on LinkedIn and X.