August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024

Maximizing Solar Efficiency: The Power of Predictive Cleaning with Solar Unsoiled and Salient




min read

By: Laura Fieselman, Michael Valerino, Alexandra Rivera 

What you need to know

  • Dirt on solar panels reduces their efficiency and profit
  • Solar Unsoiled provides site-specific solar farm cleaning schedules
  • Salient Predictions uses AI to forecast weather 52 weeks ahead
  • Together our technologies can help the solar farm industry in the US Southwest capture an additional ~$66.7M per year


Operational decision-making at scale has never been easy, and the sometimes-fine line between taking preemptive action and the cost of potential loss can be paralyzing when decision-makers lack good data and/or analysis. 

Without robust data and an analysis tool, deciding when to spend money to prevent losses becomes a complex decision. And the timing on this kind of decision is crucial. 

Enter the cost-loss model. 

We’ve written about cost-loss decision-making before, but let’s step through a real-world example of applying probabilistic S2S weather forecasts from Salient to a weather-dependent decision: if / when to clean solar panels in the desert.

The challenge

  • Solar panels in the desert get “soiled” – the industry term – by dust in the air and pollution 
  • When soiled, panels are less efficient – electricity production goes down, and asset owners lose money
  • Soiled panels can and need to be cleaned, but cleanings are expensive
  • What happens with the weather complicates matters: rain in the desert cleans panels fairly well, but if it doesn’t rain, asset operators need to schedule and pay for cleanings 
  • And, frustratingly, what if an asset owner pays to clean panels and then it rains?! Wasted money.

The solution

Given that dirty solar panels are less efficient and cleanings are expensive, when and if to spend money cleaning a solar farm to enhance the efficiency (and revenue) is critical to the financial health of a solar generation asset. Solar Unsoiled optimizes the cleaning schedules and frequencies of solar farms through predictive modeling tuned to each site using analysis of site data and microscope images of the particles on the solar panels. 

A key input to this predictive soiling model is Salient’s seasonal to subseasonal (S2S) precipitation forecasts. Salient’s reliable, accurate probabilistic weather forecasts help decision makers make data-driven decisions on 2 week to 1 year time horizons. 

With the combined technologies, the decision on when and how often to clean soiled panels is answered, greatly reducing the risk of wasting money cleaning right before a rainstorm.

A data-informed approach

Solar Unsoiled’s modeling and analytics predicts and advises when it is economically optimal to clean solar farms.

Soiling is a leading cause of degraded solar photovoltaic performance, limiting revenue and profit for utility and commercial assets. Solar Unsoiled enables profit-maximal mitigation of soiling.

Salient’s probabilistic precipitation forecast is then used to quantify the likelihood of a rain storm in the weeks ahead that would render the predicted cleaning unnecessary.

Salient’s probabilistic weather forecasts, including precipitation, are available for the weeks, months, and quarters ahead out to one year.

The case study 

Our central research question was: How does the addition of Salient’s 2-week precipitation forecasts affect cleanings and profits?

We selected a single, 25 megawatt solar farm in Arizona for this analysis, and modeled three approaches to cleaning over 8 years:

  • Approach 1: no cleanings
  • Approach 2: clean once per year in June
  • Approach 3: use Solar Unsoiled’s optimized cleaning schedules powered by Salient’s S2S precipitation forecasts 
The American Southwest is home to ~80 GW of America’s 180 GW of installed utility-scale solar.

The basic steps of the analysis:

  1. Established site parameters
    1. Location: Tucson, AZ (32.3, -110.0)
    2. Size: 25 MW
    3. Cleaning Cost: $18,500/cleaning
    4. Analysis period: January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2023
  2. Established Solar Unsoiled’s optimized cleaning schedule for the site
  3. Determined a probability threshold that defined a >4mm rain event (enough to clean a panel) from Salient’s forecasts 
  4. Created a Salient-and-Solar Unsoiled optimization 
  5. Compared profits of the three soiling profiles
This plot shows the original soiling profile (black, Approach 1) overlaid with the standard operating procedure profile (red, Approach 2) and the Salient-informed optimized profile (blue, Approach 3). The cleaning days that correspond to the latter two curves are visually apparent along the bottom of the plot as red and blue bold vertical lines.

The conclusion: Approach 3, the data-driven approach that combines the two technologies to make when-to-clean decisions, generates ~$28,000 more in profit per year over Approach 1 (no cleanings) approach, and ~$16,000 more per year over Approach 2 (cleanings once per year on a predetermined date). 

In context: Utility-scale solar is a low margin, high volume business. A 25 MW site like the one profiled sees an annual revenue of ~$2.5 million, with ~10% margins. Addressing soiling using a data-informed approach like this one translates to ~11% higher profits for solar asset owners ($28,000 in additional profit on $250,000 margin).

We used this formula to compare profits between the three approaches: no cleanings, clean once per year, and optimized cleanings powered by S2S precipitation forecasts.

Why this matters

This is an analysis for one farm. Extrapolating across the American Southwest which is home to ~80 GW of America’s 180 GW of installed utility-scale solar, solar farms in the region stand to make an additional $66.7 million in profit per year.  

For a heavily subsidized industry like big solar, small changes in margin can make or break a financing deal. As the managing director of one solar development company explains, “having access to soiling estimates and accurate yield predictions are crucial for the project because the project’s financial pro-forma estimates are critical. If the site revenue estimates aren’t appropriately adjusted for soiling, the project will look like it can afford more cost than it actually can.” Given the tight margins, 11% profit improvements and an additional $66.7 million in the region is meaningful.

The benefits of higher margins like these accrue to a range of stakeholders. Asset owners and investors see higher returns and increased asset value. Solar farm operators unlock higher levels of operational efficiency, which can bring performance bonuses. Utility companies have access to stable, cost-effective renewable energy supply that helps them meet regulatory compliance requirements. Efficiency increases eventually drive down energy prices for consumers, and profitable solar farms contribute to job creation and increased tax revenues for local communities.

And, of course, enhanced solar farm performance contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the face of a changing climate, helps us meet our regional and national renewable energy targets, and encourages further investment in renewable energy infrastructure. 

Learn more

To learn more about using Solar Unsoiled to maximize solar PV performance, get in touch.

To learn more about Salient’s S2S weather forecasts for decision makers, request a demo.


August 8, 2024

August 8, 2024

Maximizing Solar Efficiency: The Power of Predictive Cleaning with Solar Unsoiled and Salient



By: Laura Fieselman, Michael Valerino, Alexandra Rivera 

What you need to know

  • Dirt on solar panels reduces their efficiency and profit
  • Solar Unsoiled provides site-specific solar farm cleaning schedules
  • Salient Predictions uses AI to forecast weather 52 weeks ahead
  • Together our technologies can help the solar farm industry in the US Southwest capture an additional ~$66.7M per year


Operational decision-making at scale has never been easy, and the sometimes-fine line between taking preemptive action and the cost of potential loss can be paralyzing when decision-makers lack good data and/or analysis. 

Without robust data and an analysis tool, deciding when to spend money to prevent losses becomes a complex decision. And the timing on this kind of decision is crucial. 

Enter the cost-loss model. 

We’ve written about cost-loss decision-making before, but let’s step through a real-world example of applying probabilistic S2S weather forecasts from Salient to a weather-dependent decision: if / when to clean solar panels in the desert.

The challenge

  • Solar panels in the desert get “soiled” – the industry term – by dust in the air and pollution 
  • When soiled, panels are less efficient – electricity production goes down, and asset owners lose money
  • Soiled panels can and need to be cleaned, but cleanings are expensive
  • What happens with the weather complicates matters: rain in the desert cleans panels fairly well, but if it doesn’t rain, asset operators need to schedule and pay for cleanings 
  • And, frustratingly, what if an asset owner pays to clean panels and then it rains?! Wasted money.

The solution

Given that dirty solar panels are less efficient and cleanings are expensive, when and if to spend money cleaning a solar farm to enhance the efficiency (and revenue) is critical to the financial health of a solar generation asset. Solar Unsoiled optimizes the cleaning schedules and frequencies of solar farms through predictive modeling tuned to each site using analysis of site data and microscope images of the particles on the solar panels. 

A key input to this predictive soiling model is Salient’s seasonal to subseasonal (S2S) precipitation forecasts. Salient’s reliable, accurate probabilistic weather forecasts help decision makers make data-driven decisions on 2 week to 1 year time horizons. 

With the combined technologies, the decision on when and how often to clean soiled panels is answered, greatly reducing the risk of wasting money cleaning right before a rainstorm.

A data-informed approach

Solar Unsoiled’s modeling and analytics predicts and advises when it is economically optimal to clean solar farms.

Soiling is a leading cause of degraded solar photovoltaic performance, limiting revenue and profit for utility and commercial assets. Solar Unsoiled enables profit-maximal mitigation of soiling.

Salient’s probabilistic precipitation forecast is then used to quantify the likelihood of a rain storm in the weeks ahead that would render the predicted cleaning unnecessary.

Salient’s probabilistic weather forecasts, including precipitation, are available for the weeks, months, and quarters ahead out to one year.

The case study 

Our central research question was: How does the addition of Salient’s 2-week precipitation forecasts affect cleanings and profits?

We selected a single, 25 megawatt solar farm in Arizona for this analysis, and modeled three approaches to cleaning over 8 years:

  • Approach 1: no cleanings
  • Approach 2: clean once per year in June
  • Approach 3: use Solar Unsoiled’s optimized cleaning schedules powered by Salient’s S2S precipitation forecasts 
The American Southwest is home to ~80 GW of America’s 180 GW of installed utility-scale solar.

The basic steps of the analysis:

  1. Established site parameters
    1. Location: Tucson, AZ (32.3, -110.0)
    2. Size: 25 MW
    3. Cleaning Cost: $18,500/cleaning
    4. Analysis period: January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2023
  2. Established Solar Unsoiled’s optimized cleaning schedule for the site
  3. Determined a probability threshold that defined a >4mm rain event (enough to clean a panel) from Salient’s forecasts 
  4. Created a Salient-and-Solar Unsoiled optimization 
  5. Compared profits of the three soiling profiles
This plot shows the original soiling profile (black, Approach 1) overlaid with the standard operating procedure profile (red, Approach 2) and the Salient-informed optimized profile (blue, Approach 3). The cleaning days that correspond to the latter two curves are visually apparent along the bottom of the plot as red and blue bold vertical lines.

The conclusion: Approach 3, the data-driven approach that combines the two technologies to make when-to-clean decisions, generates ~$28,000 more in profit per year over Approach 1 (no cleanings) approach, and ~$16,000 more per year over Approach 2 (cleanings once per year on a predetermined date). 

In context: Utility-scale solar is a low margin, high volume business. A 25 MW site like the one profiled sees an annual revenue of ~$2.5 million, with ~10% margins. Addressing soiling using a data-informed approach like this one translates to ~11% higher profits for solar asset owners ($28,000 in additional profit on $250,000 margin).

We used this formula to compare profits between the three approaches: no cleanings, clean once per year, and optimized cleanings powered by S2S precipitation forecasts.

Why this matters

This is an analysis for one farm. Extrapolating across the American Southwest which is home to ~80 GW of America’s 180 GW of installed utility-scale solar, solar farms in the region stand to make an additional $66.7 million in profit per year.  

For a heavily subsidized industry like big solar, small changes in margin can make or break a financing deal. As the managing director of one solar development company explains, “having access to soiling estimates and accurate yield predictions are crucial for the project because the project’s financial pro-forma estimates are critical. If the site revenue estimates aren’t appropriately adjusted for soiling, the project will look like it can afford more cost than it actually can.” Given the tight margins, 11% profit improvements and an additional $66.7 million in the region is meaningful.

The benefits of higher margins like these accrue to a range of stakeholders. Asset owners and investors see higher returns and increased asset value. Solar farm operators unlock higher levels of operational efficiency, which can bring performance bonuses. Utility companies have access to stable, cost-effective renewable energy supply that helps them meet regulatory compliance requirements. Efficiency increases eventually drive down energy prices for consumers, and profitable solar farms contribute to job creation and increased tax revenues for local communities.

And, of course, enhanced solar farm performance contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the face of a changing climate, helps us meet our regional and national renewable energy targets, and encourages further investment in renewable energy infrastructure. 

Learn more

To learn more about using Solar Unsoiled to maximize solar PV performance, get in touch.

To learn more about Salient’s S2S weather forecasts for decision makers, request a demo.

About Salient

Salient combines ocean and land-surface data with machine learning and climate expertise to deliver accurate and reliable subseasonal-to-seasonal weather forecasts and industry insights—two to 52 weeks in advance. Bringing together leading experts in physical oceanography, climatology and the global water cycle, machine learning, and AI, Salient helps enterprise clients improve resiliency, increase preparedness, and make better decisions in the face of a rapidly changing climate. Learn more at and follow on LinkedIn and X.


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